Sunday, March 17, 2013

Ugandan National Deaf Awareness Day, Nebbi..

‘Partnering through ICT and Sign Language Is Our Priority’
..attendance by eight invited deaf, each joined by a hearing family member/ teacher / employer, was supported by YWAMDCM in September. This was a new approach that emphasised the deaf-hearing interdependency (partnership) spirit of YDCM.
   Its objective was partially achieved in that five hearing partners were present in the group of twenty eight at the event, three for the first time.
   We had hoped that the deaf driver we had enabled to pass would co-drive the hire vehicle for our invitees with his hearing driver instructor partner Bernard. Unfortunately increased vehicle charges and other complications prevented this happening and public transport had to be used.
   Joint deaf-hearing participation is still a new idea to many and more ground work is needed.    

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