Saturday, March 23, 2013

Signs & Wonders – Story time & The Blessing Boutique

Adam asked me to write about another couple of projects I’ve started. Story time, one hour each week, was introduced by us on our arrival in 2009. It has continued from strength to strength. Parents are encouraged to come and learn with their children whose ages range from 0-13. We teach basic reading skills and then provide a weekly library.
   Currently I am trying to provide some extra reading coaching for children/parents with learning difficulty. Only yesterday Coco Moses 13yrs sobbed silently as I explained that he was able and not stupid as I think he had believed and that his only difficulty was reading and writing and that we could progress with it, but it would need extra time. Moses is only too eager to put the time in. I will try to give him ten mins  reading/ writing each evening when he comes for a ‘knock about’ with Laurence.
The ‘Blessing Boutique’, a place to exchange quality unwanted items is another small project I recently set up. Many of our visitors have items they need; have forgotten; or; items they want to leave behind when they return home. So I along with the help of some visitors have set up what looks like a beautiful blessing boutique (charity shop). Five months on and it is working really well under supervision. Helen

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