We prayed for one lady who was very
ill with hook worms. She was lying down when we prayed for her. On our next
visit she was up and said our prayers had made a difference. Praise the Lord!
Our motto for our 10 days was "Trust in the Lord and do good". We pray that we made a lasting impression and have made a difference to the people in Laboni by making real this motto in our lives and trying
Our motto for our 10 days was "Trust in the Lord and do good". We pray that we made a lasting impression and have made a difference to the people in Laboni by making real this motto in our lives and trying
to show it.
Helen: Some life learning challenges of the moment include struggling
to sort our work permits, vehicle registration documentation and moving forward
with an exchange trip to the UK with our deaf friend Temia, who is struggling
with sickness. I’m also home schooling Laurence. But thanks be to God. He never
lets us down.
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