A ministry of Arua Youth With A Mission base
encouraging deaf & hearing
people to value each other more
Coordinated by: Adam & Helen Fielder
c/o YWAM Arua, PO Box 442 Arua, Uganda, E.Africa
42 Tintern Way, Bedworth, Warks. CV12 9SS
Facebook: Helen Adam Fielder
Please email us if you’d like to receive our prayer
Mission Update
friends and partners.
We pray you all have a Happy Christmas and
exciting plans for 2013. In the last three months Helen and I spent two of them
apart. Whilst Helen was leading the first half of the YWAM
discipleship training school outreach in S Sudan operating out of YWAM Labone, I
was in the UK to see Maria and Jerome, to visit some sixth form colleges
with Laurence and to update our
Four weeks later we re-united in Labone before travelling back into Kitgum,
N. Uganda where I took over leading the team with John, a Ugandan YWAMer.
Meanwhile, Helen returned to Arua to
with Laurence.
This up date focusses on events, insights and personal growth we experienced
over the past three months.
The photo left shows the YWAM deaf/hearing outreach team working
alongside members of Issingli, a remote mountain-side community.
Together they are constructing a multi-purpose building that will serve as a
school/clinic/ community hall. YWAM staff members, Bosco,
hearing and Philliam, deaf are circled.
We look forward to seeing family/friends in
the UK soon. Ad
This Update..
DTS Outreach Phase 1 Labone, S. Sudan; Kitgum, N Uganda
& Wonders: – Baptisms… …and weird
In the
Refinery: Looking
back on our outreach in Kitgum
News from the family
Looking ahead to the new year -– see next newsletter points
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