Thursday, August 30, 2012

June, July, Aug 2012 Mission Update

Left: Two workshop participants try a polio victim’s mobility aid. We also said farewell to Katie (inset), who is returning to the USA. We’ll remember her great singing voice, leadership, creativity & acting skills, sense of fun and compassion. J


   Dear friends and partners.
     Ad: We hear that the UK has had plentiful rain, like Arua! Village fields are now thriving. Here, the Pastor’s Inclusive Communication Course was one of our highlights. The pastors and our team of deaf/hearing sign-language instructors  were ready to try fresh approaches to teaching. They also willingly but cautiously tried  different experiences of sensory loss. See their feedback on slide 4 inside.
     Some of YWAM Arua’s deaf-hearing DTS students devised activities and psalms based on creation which are included. Helen’s brother, Graham, his wife Karen, and their children Jasmine and Danielle, came to visit. Whilst here Graham ran some business excellence seminars. Two deaf attended. Karen spoke about their enlarged family whist Jas and Danny explored the base and explained what UK kids love to do!  I look forward to seeing family & friends in the UK in Sept.
In This Update..
New sign-language resources for building character/faith
Inclusive Communication: Fresh thoughts on disability..
Forty pastors enjoy 3 day Inclusive Communication Course
Mixed deaf/hearing Interschool Sports Event Surprises many
YWAM Arua 2012 signed Discipleship Training School starts
Signs & Wonders: The Grass hopper..
In the Refinery: Only a Shadow        News from the family. 
Looking ahead to September -– see last page

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