Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Arua teachers of the deaf visit ‘Red Earth’teacher development programme

This was a providential encounter  that promises to bring improved teaching and learning to two large primary schools in Arua that have deaf units. 

Retired experienced teachers, Ronnie (2nd left) & Lyn (inset) are running a teacher development programme  that is making a massive positive impact on children’s learning. 

Ronnnie and Lynn first observed lessons at these Arua schools.         

Then senior and junior teachers were chosen from of these primaries to accompany us to Masindi (right),where Ron and Lyn are training  teachers to use phonetics, groupwork, and create wall displays out of local materials etc. We have invited the selected Arua teachers to trial some of the ideas they have seen. 

In September we will select those teachers who have employed these new techniques for more training. My hope is that this training will really benefit teaching and pupil progress at the Arua Municipality schools we
partner, because  they have  deaf units.

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