Wednesday, August 11, 2010


This article on addressing preventable causes of deafness caught my eye as we are working alongside deaf who have had little or no control over the cause of their deafness.

RNID, the largest charity in the UK working on hearing loss, has been in touch with FIFA President, SeppBlatter, to express disappointment with his refusal to allow sound levels in World Cup stadia to be measured because football fans deserve to know the impact the noise is having on their hearing and get appropriate advice on how to protect themselves.

RNID's Audiology Specialist, Crystal Rolfe, says: "One vuvuzelajust behind you will hit you with more than 125 decibels of sound –much louder than a road drill –which will really hurt your ears and, when added to hours of partying with loud music in pubs and clubs, can cause permanent hearing loss over time. With thousands of fans playing vuvuzelasat the same time, the accumulated noise will be even greater."

For information on earplugs and how to protect your hearing, visit

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