Thursday, March 12, 2015

Family News

Jerome: Hey! In the last few months I've settled back into university and I've decided to concentrate on uni work more this year which means I've had to drop out of my commitments with the OTC.
   However, I’ve been more involved with the Christian Union. Its great! I help run a weekly event called Globe Café. It’s for international students on campus to come and relax and make friends with each other. Becky and I from the CU come to help. We also invite them along to church and other christian events. This week I invited Dad to talk about his and Mum’s work in Uganda.    I’ve been paintballing and watched Argentina Vs Portugal at Old Trafford with Laurence. Good fun! Thanks

Maria:Hi! I’m enjoying tutoring a Chinese student in English and also working on a marketing and promotions campaign for a local social enterprise, Treasured Steps (see for more info). I’m learning a lot of new things! I officially launched our product 'Treasure K' at St Nicholas Primary School Hull! I presented the product to KS1 parents and then to the whole school at the following Christmas Fair. We were joined by local Cllr Steve Wilson, Diana Johnson MP as well as BBC Radio Humberside and KCFM who supported the launch and the donation of sets to the school.
   I am now on an ICS TearFund volunteer placemen10 weeks in Bolivia till early April. While there I will be working with a local social enterprise to help fund a nearby school and provide grants for street children to attend. My fundraised through a sponsored 20 mile run, ‘Live Below the Line’ challenge (living on £1 a day for food for 5 days), jazz night, open mike event, race night. For more information about what I’m up to, and for more regular updates, see To support of for more info about the projects please visit my just giving page at:  Thx  

 Laurence: Hi! I’m now staying with one family full-time after three months with two friends of our family on a monthly alternate basis. I’m playing for a local football team called Higham. We enjoyed our first win 3-1 at home in November, with a full team at last. I’m studying hard, taken up English and changed to  Ancient history, from History, B tech Business from Economics. I enjoyed a weekend with Jerome recently, inc. paintballing and am going out more with friends from college. I enjoyed my grandparents 59th wedding anniversary marked by a 16mile bike ride. This year I am visiting my friends/parents in Uganda and S Korea.

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