…in local homes, schools, workplaces
and the wider community
Sharing language, legacy, life, and
opportunity. Stronger together
DHU is the vision & name of a
small group of individuals, churches and
local advocates who partner Adam &
Helen Fielder, its coordinators. Adam & Helen
are on staff with Youth With a Mission’s, Bridge of
Healing base, PO Box 442, Arua, Uganda. www.facebook.com/pages/Fielders-Deaf-Hearing-United-mission-in-Uganda
www.deafconnections.blogspot.com E-mail: fielder34@hotmail.co.uk
Dear Friends & Partners,

Three of the five projects we left running
during our year in UK progressed well.
who ran projects had more autonomy, but were expected to give the same level of
accountability. We’ve both travelled
much with our projects too, so please
excuse the long wait for this news We
hope this update encourages you too. Shalom. Ad/Helen
Family sign language sessions continue
Eight of Aisha’s friend’s (above),
including us, recently volunteered to help teach
two family sign-language sessions at our deaf friend Aisha’s home for their
neighbours/nearby friends/relatives The first
session was attended by 20+children and the second attended by six
adults. The children were excited &
enthusiastic to learn. Aisha’s family made the family sign sheet display in the
background, refreshments at the second session. Again,
helping local partners to fully
self-sustain these sessions is our aim.