Thursday, November 4, 2010

At the Refinery - Learning about ourselves on outreach in Labone, S. Sudan (Adam):

It never ceases to amaze me how many different ways my Lord God speaks to me, often repeatedly on the same topic, until I act on the message. He used people’s comments, a vision, a voice in my mind, animals, problems and sicknesses. No method was too. Heavy language I know , but I am constantly reminded of His desire to teach me if I am receptive am expectant, responsive and faithful.

Three passages were really impressed upon me whilst in Sudan. The first was about continuing to ask from Luke 11. I realised even more, now, how God answers me through my ‘neighbour’, and how greater neighbour-liness may well have prevented the death of a mother and a two year old whist we were in Laboni.

Then, I was struck afresh how the steps and lessons our DTS teams were going through were very similar to the account about Jesus beginning his work in Galilee in Matthew chapters 4 & 5. I also understood, more starkly and precisely, the needs, vision , mission and goals Jesus’ saw. Like the team accounting (above left),he wants nothing wasted

Then the parables of the sower and the wise and foolish builders were miraculously acted out - twice each, by the local villagers, and then the local weather system on two of our tents! Laboni peoples’ minds, and ours are very much like the different types of soil in the story about the sower. Laboni peoples’ lives and ours are also not built on totally firm foundations, but over the years the Lord has strengthened mine. May He do so for you too.

One of the local delicacies, bush-rat, (left), was a real mind battle for me, because of their distant cousin’s lifestyle in the UK! But, it was so tasty!

Being a multi-cultural team meant accepting different attitudes to stray dogs who needed care, discipline & work, but who carried disease and wanted our food. Using scripture we slowly learnt to see the truth in other’s views, the flaws in our own,change & forgive! Do feedback. Lets israel - wrestle with God!. CU. Ad

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