Sunday, January 31, 2010

“Spiritual blindness is believing that good things are bad and that bad things are good”

- Allan, our deaf and partially blind pastor explained.

He was sharing his thoughts on the man born blind that Jesus healed. This was much to the annoyance of the local religious of the day, and the trepidation of the blind man’s parents . Allan , left, organised this trip to a Convention on People With Disabilities at Maracha , a bumpy 90 min drive from Arua.

The song ‘Oh, you’ll never get to heaven….’ comes to mind as I reflect on how tightly packed we were in this pick up, trying to find something/someone solid to cling, requiring the qualities of Heineken.In my case it was a grip on a seated person’s armpit that stopped me falling out on more than one occasion!

Allan encouraged all the disabled there to recognise that God wanted to show his power through them despite the many negative value judgements they have made about them. Then a quadra-plegic polio victim sang whilst playing two stringed instruments with his feet!! Wow.

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