Saturday, June 6, 2009

Endorsements by YWAM, Lifechurch and former colleague of Adam and Helen Fielder:

I AM SO EXCITED WITH THIS VISION! It matches together with our base vision to be a bridge of God’s healing to the people of West Nile, Sudan and Congo by re-building broken lives and restoring hope. Having lived with the Fielder family I have seen how they practically live with the challenge of deafness with character and skill. They are a strong model and testimony to the deaf community, quickly understood by them. Their work will help restore hope to the hopeless in our community. Sam Abuku, Co-founder, YWAM Arua

The ‘Fielders’ are a highly gifted family who have a proven record of commitment and reliability. They demonstrate a passion to follow God’s leading in their lives and are to be encouraged for their boldness in responding to God’s calling. They’ve chosen to touch and influence those who are less fortunate, partnering with isolated deaf people in Uganda. As a church we stand with them as they take on this new challenge and trust you will prayerfully consider partnering with them. Kev. Westfield, Mission Director,
lifechurch international

Adam’s plans will have an enormous impact on the lives of those less fortunate than ourselves. He is embarking on a journey that will demand strength, passion and determination. Adam has all of these.
Dave Alger, former colleague

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