Tennis rage caught up with me recently as I Iost my cool whilst playing tennis with my son Jerome (above) recently. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a lady trundling her son’s push chair behind my baseline. My opponent, Jerome, was keeping me pinned to my base-line with his long forehands. If the score had been “love-all” I might have reacted differently, but it wasn’t and I clearly couldn’t!
Wondering how to re-compose myself to face my more youthful opponent, I realised I had to find the lady afterwards and apologise for my over-reaction and gladly she did too.
Wondering how to re-compose myself to face my more youthful opponent, I realised I had to find the lady afterwards and apologise for my over-reaction and gladly she did too.
Both of us admitted we were struggling to cope with the situation we were in and had lashed out indiscriminately. We both moved on having smiled, shaken hands, with one less opponent and plank in the eye.
Shortly after I also realised that I deep down I know that I don’t hear some of the day–to-day warning sounds that would alert me to a hazard – in this case a passing mother and child. I could easily have clouted her with my racket unintentionally. This issue is even greater for people with severe/profound deafness, of which there are many in Arua
Shortly after I also realised that I deep down I know that I don’t hear some of the day–to-day warning sounds that would alert me to a hazard – in this case a passing mother and child. I could easily have clouted her with my racket unintentionally. This issue is even greater for people with severe/profound deafness, of which there are many in Arua
My Maker keeps signing to me in the marvels and challenges of my days. I know that if I wonder upon them more his smile and mine will be broader and longer.
Lots of good news - especially about possible accomodation (see above.)
THANK YOU to the many of you who have supported in many different ways.
Blessings, Adam
Lots of good news - especially about possible accomodation (see above.)
THANK YOU to the many of you who have supported in many different ways.
Blessings, Adam
This is how God showed his love among us:
He sent his one and only Son into the world
that we might live through him.1 John 4:9