Friday, May 1, 2009

“At Work With The Deaf Community In The West Midlands”..

.. was the title of a short film I saw recently. It was premiered by the Herbert Art Gallery, Coventry and produced by ‘Zebra’, a deaf run film company. It gave me a fascinating insight into deaf peoples’ experiences of work-related issues – both good and bad. e.g. access to training opportunities, health and safety, discrimination, unions and job descriptions.

One humourous story a deaf man shared was about a factory fire drill which he was oblivious to as he sat on the toilet. He was interupted by a note being pushed under the door telling him that there was a fire. His need for relief was only marginally less than his need to save his life! This event changed safety practices in the factory. How would a “At Work With The Deaf Community In Uganda “ film differ? Food for thought.. Ad

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