... began recently with the production of a text-free, illustrated menu,(above), for our friend Amber's Deaf Culture/Uganda Culture Evening. The food was similar to that we had in Arua! Many shared their experiences of crossing language barriers.
Could you host a similar event in your area to help us raise financial support?
This pilot text-free Ugandan Sign Language (USL) booklet sample
is being produced in response to requests by the parents and teachers of numerous isolated Ugandan deaf people for a text free USL booklet for everyday use.
This initiative has the Ugandan National Deaf Association’s support and the scanned USL images are used with their permission and retain their copyright.
It is our shared hope that the finished booklet will provide Uganda's isolated deaf and their communities with a powerful, affordable, accessible communication tool to enable them to strengthen relationships, learn, earn and participate
Our vision is to bring isolated deaf people
Could you host a similar event in your area to help us raise financial support?
This pilot text-free Ugandan Sign Language (USL) booklet sample
is being produced in response to requests by the parents and teachers of numerous isolated Ugandan deaf people for a text free USL booklet for everyday use.

It is our shared hope that the finished booklet will provide Uganda's isolated deaf and their communities with a powerful, affordable, accessible communication tool to enable them to strengthen relationships, learn, earn and participate
Our vision is to bring isolated deaf people
to see themselves as Jesus does:
God’s workmanship, beloved children and co-workers.
We believe this is possible through the Deaf Connections partnerships we are developing in Uganda, the U.K. and elsewhere.
I was pleasantly surprised how readily available the images I needed were. My aim is to have a text-free, illustrated Ugandan Sign-Language (U.S.L.) booklet for everyday conversations ready for use from this September.
We are just under halfway to our monthly target of £2500 support per month from this September.
If you plan to financially support our vision on a monthly basis or through a one-off donation do please get in touch now, so we can help you set up with a standing order.
Thanks. Adam.
God’s workmanship, beloved children and co-workers.
We believe this is possible through the Deaf Connections partnerships we are developing in Uganda, the U.K. and elsewhere.
I was pleasantly surprised how readily available the images I needed were. My aim is to have a text-free, illustrated Ugandan Sign-Language (U.S.L.) booklet for everyday conversations ready for use from this September.
We are just under halfway to our monthly target of £2500 support per month from this September.
If you plan to financially support our vision on a monthly basis or through a one-off donation do please get in touch now, so we can help you set up with a standing order.
Thanks. Adam.