Monday, December 1, 2008

Arua Deaf School Students sign beautiful song at Deaf-blind Priests Ordination

Thanks to our current supporters I was able to finance transport for Arua Deaf School Students to their Deaf-partially blind Pastor Alems ordination. Together with their head-teacher we took a lorry taxi, 60 miles away to the pastor's home town.

The ordination was memorable for all there because... :

  • .. the deaf students got a rare trip away from school where they board in tough conditions

  • .. the congregation of 1000 plus witnessed Church of Uganda's first ever ordination of a deaf-partially blind person, a preach given in sign by one of Uganda's few deaf pastors. It was translated into English and then the locallanguage phrase by phrase. Many were surprised!

  • .. Ugandan sign-language was seen as a clear, beautiful and empowering communication tool

  • .. many in the congregation come from districts where the prevalence of deafness is very high, sign-language unknown and integration and affirmation of deaf children very low.

  • .. Eruba's deaf students signed song of praise to their Maker and signed message of thanks to songs turned widespead initial laughter into the most moving moments of the 4hour service.

I and local YWAMer, Benjamin, also spent time at the deaf school just relaxing and having fun with the students and staff. They loved "UNO", "Tip-it", and bench ball.

The finale to the afternoon was a demonstration by the deaf lads of their martial arts drills. extra cuuricular possibilities are sorely needed and sought. we want to help..

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