Our good friends and co-founders, Sam & Agnes Abuku gave us a lovely welcome and have let us stay with them for the next fortnight until the house we are renting is complete and furnished with essentials.
The night after we arrived the base staff and their families made a welcome cake for us and gave thanks for our safe arrival, willingness to join them and prayed that we would each settle quickly into family life, base life and our mission there .
Maria has been taking an interest in learning the guitar from someone on the base. We also celebrated Jerome’s birthday with a visit to the only swimming pool we know of in the region - at a hotel, followed by some more familiar food and a very heavy downpour. At Jerome’s request we are going to buy him some chickens to keep for his birthday.
Laurence and I now hold Ugandan green chillies in great respect! My consolation for a fiery mouth was watching Laurence’s expression change when he tried them for himself, having just accused me of over-reacting!
Laurence has been ill with malaria and needed a drip for 24hours because he was too weak to eat. Thankfully he is making a speedy recovery and is eating normally again. Getting him up early, is still difficult however!!
Our appreciation of clean water on tap, hygienic waste disposal and electricity (in town only) have increased again here as all three are very intermittent here.
Supply cuts extend the time needed to do the most basic of tasks, clarify priorities pretty quickly and limit the amount of refrigerated goods shops will stock. No-one here has electricity. A few on the outskirts have solar. We are considering investing too but now manage with oil-lanterns and a torch. till mosquitoes or tiredness force us to retreat behind our bed-nets.