One of National Deaf Children's Society (NDCS') objectives is to offer up-to-date information for deaf children and their family/ carer/friends. The NDCS Listening Bus tours Britain on anual basis, providing an opportunity for them to see demonstrations of communication equipment and other resources.
Deaf children and their families/carers can try out alternatives and so make more informed choices. The Listerning Bus Roadshow been making a a year long tour of Britain for about a decade.
I helped Roadshow Coordinator, Damian set up the bus recently in a highly multi-ethnic area of East London , answer the questions of deaf children, their families/carers and friends who visited.
NDCS was pleased to be able to offer far more comprehensive information in Punjabi, Urdu amongst othe languages on this visit. With such varied needs, questions and cultural backgrounds amongst the visitors I was impressed with the help the Listening Bus offers. I was intersted to learn of damian's previous work with the Deaf in South America too.