Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Deaf pastor Lydia reaches out to the deaf in Koboko

Lydia explains her outreach work in Koboko, Uganda. Helping the school support the deaf children, teaching sign language to both the deaf and hearing, changing attitudes in the wider community and spreading God's word to the deaf.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Living with blindness: Ron and Maria's testimony

1. Personal and interpersonal reconciliation, to blindness, to deafness and to a new culture Ron and Maria, grandparents of our son Jerome’s Fiancé, Fiona, also let me video interview them (link below), about their fascinating. Ron shares my love of flight and was a pilot until an accident grounded him. Maria, from Romania settled in England when she and Ron fell in love. Her original plan was to stay for a year to learn English! They have reconciled themselves and been reconcilers for each other in such complementary ways. A beautiful story. Do watch it.

Thanks again to Ron and Maria.  Their video interview shows that:                                                                                                                                                         
1. the absence, reduction or loss of our mobility or a sense, can happen suddenly. It compelled Ron to forgive and move on.
2. Maria was able to adapt to her loss of a shared language because Ron was willing to make essential adjustments.                     
3. Ron was able to adapt to his increasing blindness because Maria was willing, through prayer, to support Ron more.                 
4. Accepting some loss of independence and employing greater use of imagination, memory, audio books etc can help, .

Friday, February 17, 2017

Thankyou Ed Dixon, (Deaf Pilot)

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Thankyou Ed Dixon (Deaf Pilot) for organising our tour of Birmingham Aiport Control Tower. It was very interesting

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Thursday, February 16, 2017

Personal and interpersonal reconciliation to deafness.

Marjorie shares her testimony on speaking up for the hard of hearing
and one way of breaking down barriers
 Marjorie shares her testimony about the benefits of loop systems for the hard of hearing people
Personal and interpersonal reconciliation to deafness.
Marjorie, Helen’s mum, above, recently let me record her video testimony of her experience and adaptation to her own hearing loss. Her courageous approach is well-worth watching.  
Marjorie’s story shows that the absence/ reduction or loss of mobility or a sense:                                                                                                                                                                  
a) affects us all,  even if  not personally                                                                                                                                       
b) is personally recognised, accepted and adapted to quicker with personal courage and when those we share our live, work and socialise with are willing to make essential adjustments.                                                                                                                                                 
c) is being adapted to much more easily and quickly by viewers of these testimonies.                                
May we allow God to help us continually and constructively adapt  to our own and each other’s fast changing abilities and limitations, and to divine appointments and to threats.! See diagram above.  
Thanks again to Marjorie, Gary.
We are all called to reconcile. Reconciliation has so many faces and beckons me daily…
Many more testimonies to come!                 

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Rainwater harvesting improvement complete - Arua

With the rainwater harvesting improvement complete, a survey of bore hole queueing times and water related sickness medical costs will be made at the end of term 1, that is mid May. We hope these show savings in Time and money compared to the surveys carried out before the rainwater harvesting system was built by deaf and hearing builders, pupils and staff. Ad

Deaf hearing business partnerships

Deaf hearing business partnerships aren't easy but I recently helped set up one or two that looked promising. 

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Afayo Wilfred , deaf and Gift, hearing partnered for the first time on a building/plumbing project for the first time.

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Gatrude, deaf and her hearing friend are partnering to market the latest batch of 20 jumpers that Gatrude has recently knitted herself. My prayer is that mutual respect will he high.
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Jonathan, hearing and Ayub, deaf are exploring partnership in the area of computer graphics.

Youth Camp Graduation

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Youth Camp Graduation cake. Mmmm. Thanks Hellen and Rose for making it. Ad

Come Discover Serve

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Come Discover Serve Youth Camp Group Photo. Well done everyone, inc those members who had other commitments when the photo was taken. A great team effort. Thank you Lord! Ad